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1. Protect the environment is our responsibility.Because the environment is our living space.In order to keep our home clean ,we should protect our environment.We must try our best to do things around us,ev🔺 P·G电子官方网站enthough from a small thing on.Such as don't waste water and don't throw r。


2. 能源消耗 energy consumption清洁、可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand节能减排目标 targe... National standards would have stricter limits for discharge of pollutants in key river valleys.节约资源和环境保护要一代一代人持之以恒地进行下去。

3. Economize on en🈴 ergy English。


1. 电能是指使用电以各种形式做功(即产生能量)的能🐞 力。电能,读作:diàn néng,就是电所具有的能。可以用导线输送到远处,并易于转换成其他形式的能。通常也指电量。

2. electricity KK [͵ilɛkˋtrɪsətɪ], DJ [͵ilekˋtrisiti]。

3. 1、电灯的英语表达为:Electric light。

能源 英文

1. Protect the environment is our responsibility.Because the environment is our living space.In order to keep our home clean ,we should protect our en住底加们山养父均器东vironment.We mus排很啊石协然厂料存t try our best to do things around us,eventhough from a small thing on.Such as don't waste water and don't throw r。

2. 关于节约能源的英语词汇有能源消耗en屋什械使六走款极高妈销ergy consu延回万司mption、可再生能源renewabl云兵序击e energy sources、节能减排目标targets for saving energy and reducing emission远白兴s、节能减排技术energy conservation and emission reduction technologies、淘汰落后生产企业 to close down backward produ。

3. 能源的英语单词写作:energy energy 英[ˈenədʒi] 美[ˈenərdʒi] n. 精力; 活力; [物] 能量; 精神; [例句]He was saving his energy for next week's race in Belgium 他正为下周在比利时的比赛养精蓄锐。


1. energy的形容词形式:energetic。energy 英 ['enədʒi]  美 ['enərdʒi] n. 精力;活力;能源例句:Young people usually have more energy than the old.翻译:青年人通常阶游福刑赶伯激告比老年人精力充沛土牛给间五以。

2. (节约能源)Energysaving Bulbs节能灯 energysaving motor节能电动机 ecological energysaving生态节能 Simulation results show that this algorithm is efficient and unidirectional links is valuable for energy conservation. 仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性,以及单向链路对于能源节省具有较高的。

3. energy conservation 或者 Save Energ🍎 P·G电子官方网站y 都可以。


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